Write the verb correctly in each sentence: 1) I am ____________ (have) a cup of coffee. 2) My parents are ______________ (play) cards. 3) My friend will be _________ (run) the marathon this year. 4) The teacher is ___________ (erase) the blackboard. 5) They are __________ (read) a good book. 6) They were ___________ (push) so hard that they all fell down. 7) We are all ____________ (live) in the same town. 8) My entire family is ___________ (walk) on the side walk. 9) We were all ________________ (enjoy) our day off. 10)I am ___________ (get) very hot ___________ (stand) in the sun. Complete the short sentences: I am _____________ (bake) a cake. (Present Tense) My friend is ____________ (run) fast. (Present Tense) I will be ____________ (go) to church on Sunday. (Future Tense) They were ____________ (get) very hot in the sun. (Past Tense) Make three sentences in the proper tense using the verb "To Be", with verbs ending in "ING". Past Tense: _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Present tense: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Future Tense: _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ | |